I am currently not taking on new clients (with the exception of ISP students needing to complete their sessions).

If you’d like to be updated on the continuation of my practice and receive updates, resources (etc.) please get in touch by email violettenajat@protonmail.com

Thank you !

My practice wishes to welcome and be a reassuring space for the many (a)gender identities & expressions, relational orientation, spiritual practices, cultures, ancestry, livelihood, emotional expression, capacity, etc. as well various shapes of stress, hardships, suffering and traumas.

The main techniques used in session through awareness, self-touch and/or movement are: Somatic Experiencing, Integral Somatic Psychology, Somatic Resilience/Regulation, Biodynamic Craniosacral, Wheel of Consent

Session are online only




60 min. | 115$ cad

75 min. | 135$ cad

90 min. | 155$ cad


60 min. | 100$ usd

75 min. | 115$ usd (ISP students 105$)

90 min. | 130$ usd (ISP students 120$)


Présentement je ne prends plus de clients, ni sur la liste d’attente (à l’exception des étudiants ISP complétant leurs sessions).

Si tu souhaites recevoir des mise à jour, resources (etc.) sur la continuation de ma pratique, svp m’écrire à violettenajat@protonmail.com

Merci !

Ma pratique souhaite accueillir et être un endroit rassurant pour les nombreuses identités et expressions de (a)genre, orientations relationnelles, religions, pratiques spirituelles, origines raciales, cultures, moyens d’existence, expression émotionnelle, capacité, etc. ainsi diverses formes de souffrance, stress, difficultés et traumatismes.

Les principales techniques utilisées lors d’une session par la conscience, l’auto-toucher et/ou le mouvement sont: Somatic Experiencing, Integral Somatic Psychology, Somatic Resilience/Regulation, Biodynamic Craniosacral & Roue du consentement.

Les sessions sont en ligne seulement.




60 min. | 115$ cad

75 min. | 135$ cad

90 min. | 155$ cad


60 min. | 100$ usd

75 min. | 115$ usd (étudiante.s ISP 105$)

90 min. | 130$ usd (étudiante.s ISP 120$)


Thank you deeply to all who support my livelihood and who teach and have taught me, inspiring me and allowing the opportunity to do this work, continue training and dedicate time to expand, deepen and refine presence, practices, knowledge, skills.

Profonde gratitude à toutes.tous soutenant mon gagne-pain et m’enseignant, m’ayant enseigné; m’inspirant et me permettant l’opportunité de faire ce travail, de continuer mes apprentissages; d’approfondir, expandre, raffiner présence, savoir-faire, pratiques, connaissances.

*En cours / In progress* Art of Conflict Resolution certificate, ADR learning institute

– Assisting team, ISP professional training, on going, Raja Selvam, Integral Somatic Psychology

– Wheel of consent six-week series workshops (queer), Sasha & Max

– EFT tapping level 1-2 (x2), EFT Tapping Training Institute

– Wheel of consent six-week series workshops (x3), Robyn & Helena

– ISP professional training (x2), Raja Selvam, Integral Somatic Psychology

– Tao Shiatsu, Shuren level, Tao Shiatsu Montreal

– Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Rebekah Crown, Institute of Craniosacral Biodynamics of Montreal

– Touch Skills for Trauma Therapists, Kathy Kain, Somatic Practice

– Somatic Resilience and Regulation: Early Trauma, Kathy Kain, Somatic Practice

– Kinetic Swedish Massage, Institut Kiné-Concept

– Somatic Experiencing, SETI

– Yoga Teacher Training, Hart Lazer, United Yoga Montreal